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Jamie Dion
Jamie Dion
The courier recently ran a guest column in which the writer makes the argument that many Christians in Woodland Park, “want dominion over this community.” That their theology, or practice of it, runs counter to the “value of diversity both in communities and thought.” My experience has been much different.
I have watched as members of the left have disparaged and discriminated against Christians in our community, specifically targeting Charis. These same people have a new bogeyman that defines the theme of their latest orchestrated chorus: Christian Nationalism.
I was raised in a secular household. I am not a believer, do not attend church, and do not follow the lead of any church leader or doctrine, except for where they coincidently overlap with my beliefs. I believe my perspective is unique, as I have an objective viewpoint on my interactions with Christians and the progressive left.
During the pandemic, it wasn’t Christians that tried to force me to wear an ineffective medical device on my face, it was the authoritarian left. It wasn’t Christians that told me that I was selfish for being unwilling to inject myself with a largely untested medical product under threat, it was the authoritarian left.
It wasn’t Christians that have flaunted the rule of law and the safety of their fellow community members by suing the county sheriff to try and prevent him from turning criminal aliens over to ICE: it was members of the left.
It isn’t Christians who have celebrated gender-confused men participating in women’s sports and endangering our safety in public restrooms. It’s the left that celebrates biological men winning awards meant for women and therefore diminishing the value and uniqueness that real women hold.
No Christian has tried to limit my ability as a female to protect myself with a concealed firearm, a natural right that I am guaranteed under this country’s constitution.
It’s not Christians that have constantly attempted to silence and ban me online for expressing views that run contrary to the authoritarian left.
When I placed political signs outside of our home during an election, it wasn’t Christians that appealed to the HOA to have our first amendment rights curtailed due to their feelings being hurt by our sign. It was a member of the left, who felt perfectly entitled to enjoy their first amendment rights with their candidate’s signs, but felt the need to violate my natural rights.
While I’m not sure if the author of the previous op-ed likens the founding principles of our country, and my rights as an autonomous citizen to their supposed “values”, I can clearly see the the authoritarian approach that those on the left have taken towards me. I’ve never had the same experience with any Christian in my community. What I do see from the left is hypocrisy. If you do not submit to their beliefs and opinions you will be chastised. From where I am sitting, the authoritarian left threatens our communities daily, not the Christians.
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