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Is there any point in going to church? | Magazine Features – Premier Christianity

Premier Christianity uses cookies Read our cookie policy.By Emma Fowle2024-05-21T15:19:00+01:00Recent trends suggests Christians are leaving behind more traditional expressions of church. Could God be doing something new? When my husband and I moved to Cornwall 20 years ago, we found our church before we found jobs or somewhere to live. We’ve been part of the same congregation ever since. Despite its many flaws, I am passionate about the local church, and […]

today3 months ago 5

New curriculum sparks Texas-sized controversy over Christianity in the classroom – Arkansas Advocate

Photo illustration/The 74 This story first appeared at The 74, a nonprofit news site covering education. The day before he unveiled a massive new elementary school reading program laden with Bible stories, Texas education Commissioner Mike Morath sat down with a Democratic lawmaker at the state capitol.Rep. James Talarico had concerns.The third-term legislator from Round Rock, near Austin, pointed Morath to a lesson on the Sermon on the Mount — Jesus’s instruction […]

today3 months ago 8

Biden’s Empty Christianity – CounterPunch

Drawing by Nathaniel St. ClairI’m so sick of hearing about President Joe Biden’s deep Christian faith. The media often talks about it, when contrasting his lifestyle with that of former President Donald Trump, who is currently on trial for a hush-money payment to a porn star. It goes without saying Biden is superior to Trump politically in every respect, but talk of the former’s religious commitment rings hollow in light […]

today3 months ago 4

Why I Left Christianity and Will Never Return – Patheos

Leaving a faith tradition as deeply rooted and pervasive as Christianity is not a decision made lightly. For many, it is a process fraught with internal conflict, societal pressure, and the fear of eternal repercussions. My journey away from Christianity was long and arduous, involving deep introspection and extensive research. It began in earnest with deconstruction, followed by a foray into inclusionist/universalist theology, a segue to atheism, ultimately leading to […]

today3 months ago 3

Sorry Christianity Today, You are only making things worse – Patheos

We must be advocates of peace. This means that we recognize that violence will never bring peace.courtesy NYTimes I really enjoyed listening to Mike Cosper’s (Christianity Today) podcast series, “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.” I appreciated the way he handled the discussions related to Mark Driscoll’s misconduct at Mars Hill. Cosper’s approach had a pastoral touch, almost as though he understood the experiences of individuals like myself, who […]

today3 months ago 3

Pulled out of the rabbit hole: Meet the conspiracy theorists who are turning to Christ – Premier Christianity

Premier Christianity uses cookies Read our cookie policy.By Kate Orson2024-03-25T14:27:00+00:00Kate Orson speaks to the converts who are leaving the truther and new age movements behindAn increasing number of people who have followed conspiracy theories are turning to Jesus. That’s a bold claim, but I know it’s true, partly because it happened to me.In 2016, a video popped up on my Facebook feed. In it, a man shared his story of supposedly […]

today3 months ago 6

I Was a Disenchanted Deadhead Who Found Christ on a Greyhound Bus – ChristianityToday.com

I was born outside the church—very far outside. Neither of my parents were Christians when I was a kid. We were a military family, my dad a Marine, and we bounced around several military bases, mostly in North Carolina. My dad was made of stone, a chiseled, highly decorated Marine who had served in the Vietnam War era. And while he was an excellent Marine, he was better at holding […]

today3 months ago 4

I Studied Christianity with the Hope of Debunking It – ChristianityToday.com

My upbringing and education were secular, with no serious consideration of religion. Although my family was nominally Anglican and my parents felt obliged to take us to Sunday school and have us christened, my mother told us she did not believe in God’s existence. Stories about arks and miracles seemed like fables for children.As a teenager with a minimal understanding of Scripture, I decided that Christianity was a superstitious and […]

today3 months ago 9

Christianity Is True, Not Just Helpful – BreakPoint.org

It’s odd how many people these days are coming to appreciate Christianity for everything other than the Lord and Savior at its center. Even figures who don’t exactly believe in Jesus’ claim to be God, like psychologist Jordan Peterson, have made careers out of applying the stories and values found in Scripture to people’s lives. Peterson has even embarked on a teaching series mining the book of Genesis for psychological […]

today3 months ago 7
