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London Calling Podcast Yana Bolder
We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I can’t think of a more lofty goal for today than that the name of Jesus be glorified in what we do and say. But then Paul took it a step further — we should find our glory by being identified with him! So may Jesus be glorified in each of us today, and may our glory be seen in our walk with Jesus! As the famed old hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” says, “My glory all the cross.”
Father of majesty and might, please help me as I strive to plan my daily activities and then prioritize those activities so that my focus and passion are on bringing you glory in all that I do, think, and say. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today’s Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to phil@verseoftheday.com.
© 1998-2023, Heartlight, Inc. Verseoftheday.com is part of the Heartlight Network. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. | Privacy Policy
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Written by: Daily Verse
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