
Thinking Clearly About God | My Journey

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What does it mean to think clearly about God? Peter says, “Place your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Peter 1:13).


Isaiah, chapters 36-37; 1 Peter, chapter 1

1 Peter 1:13-23 (CEB):

Therefore, once you have your minds ready for action and you are thinking clearly, place your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Don’t be conformed to your former desires, those that shaped you when you were ignorant. But, as obedient children, you must be holy in every aspect of your lives, just as the one who called you is holy. It is written, ‘You will be holy, because I am holy.’

Since you call upon a Father who judges all people according to their actions without favoritism, you should conduct yourselves with reverence during the time of your dwelling in a strange land. Live in this way, knowing that you were not liberated by perishable things like silver or gold from the empty lifestyle you inherited from your ancestors. Instead you were liberated by the precious blood of Christ, like that of a flawless, spotless lamb. Christ was chosen before the creation of the world, but was only revealed at the end of time. This was done for you, who through Christ are faithful to the God who raised him from the dead and gave him glory. So now, your faith and hope should rest in God.

As you set yourselves apart by your obedience to the truth so that you might have genuine affection for your fellow believers, love each other deeply and earnestly. Do this because you have been given new birth – not from the type of seed that decays but from seed that doesn’t. This seed is God’s life-giving and enduring word.

Observations: Thinking Clearly: Hope in God’s Grace

Peter begins this passage with an interesting statement: once you have your minds ready for action and you are thinking clearly. Evidently, his audience needs some help in thinking clearly! Throughout these verses, Peter offers pointed direction on how to think clearly in regard to God and our relationship with him.

The first direction Peter gives is to place your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. That prompts a question: when will Jesus Christ be revealed? He has already come in the flesh and given his life to redeem us. Evidently, Peter is thinking of Jesus’ return. But what grace comes at that time? I believe it is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s grace – our eternal life in God’s kingdom. It is only by grace that we receive that life. Only when Jesus returns will we experience it in full. So for now, we hope for that grace.

But that hope is not uncertain! We don’t hope for it in the sense that we have any doubt that it will happen. As the writer of Hebrews says, “Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don’t see” (Hebrews 11:1). By faith, we hope in God’s grace, because only God’s grace will see us through this life and bring us into his eternal kingdom.

Thinking Clearly: Be Holy

Peter next gives clear direction on how we live in this world: Don’t be conformed to your former desires, those that shaped you when you were ignorant. But, as obedient children, you must be holy in every aspect of your lives, just as the one who called you is holy. The former desires that shaped us when we were ignorant contrast with the clear thinking that Peter challenges us to now. Desires drive and control the worldly mindset; obedience directs the godly mindset. Peter points out some concrete examples of being holy:

  • Conduct yourselves with reverence (verse 17)
  • Set yourselves part by your obedience to the truth (verse 22)
  • Love each other deeply and earnestly (verse 22)

The contrast with the world’s mindset is obvious. The worldly mindset is irreverent; it either denies God exists or diminishes his authority. The underlying cause is clear: people apart from God believe that they are in control of their lives. Those who have responded to God’s grace acknowledge his sovereignty. Selfish desires direct the worldly mindset; God directs the transformed life. Our transformation by God enables us to love each other deeply and earnestly; the selfish heart cannot do that. We can only do that because God gives us new birth. The seed of that new birth is God’s life-giving and enduring word.

Application: Thinking Clearly: Holiness and Genuine Affection

As you set yourselves apart by your obedience to the truth so that you might have genuine affection for your fellow believers, love each other deeply and earnestly. So much of our thoughts about holiness revolve around our behavior. While holiness will lead us to behave differently, our behavior does not create holiness. Only God can do that. Our part in that work is to set ourselves apart by obedience to the truth.

Scriptural teaching about holiness involves two basic concepts: being set apart for God’s use, and being purified and empowered for God’s use. We set ourselves apart by obedience, and God empowers us to be obedient. We can’t do that on our own. The Holy Spirit, who brings about our new birth, lives in us. He leads us in the truth and empowers us to obey God day by day.

But we must not miss the connection between holiness and love. The worldly mindset cannot truly love, because it always comes back to “what’s in it for me?” Holy love is God’s love, the self-giving love that seeks what is best for its beloved. “But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God gave his Son, Jesus, for us – not because we deserved it, but because he loves us. The only way we can love like that is with his help. That’s thinking clearly!


Father, we acknowledge that we are easily drawn into the worldly mindset. Thank you for calling us to think clearly – about ourselves, about you, and about each other. Help us to understand that our obedience is the logical response to your sovereignty. Lead us in your way each day, as we set ourselves apart by obedience. Help us to love you with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Enable us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Above all, help us to love each other deeply and earnestly – just as Jesus loves us.  Amen.


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Written by: OchriO

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